Spearhead Traverse In a Day 2019

Generally, I like to do new things. I like to go new places. So when deciding where to go ski touring I usually focus on a new peak or run that I have never done. But the one place that is always a front runner for a day out is the Spearhead Traverse. Last year I wasn’t able to do it on skis, so this season I was thinking about it a lot. Waiting for good conditions and timing, we decided to do it on the first day of daylight savings, March 10. We were planning to leave as early

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Spearhead Traverse Summer 2018

On August 30 my family left our house at noon to go on our second annual Spearhead Traverse on Labour Day Weekend. We were all excited because we hadn’t spent much time hiking in the summer. On the way to Whistler I bought some shoe laces and loads of snacks. Instead of buying individually packaged energy bars, I got a package of peanut butter cookies, which I ended up loving. After some delays in the parking lot about park restrictions due to parking and camping as well as lift tickets, we all made it to the Peak-2-Peak and we were

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Spearhead Traverse Summer 2017

On Labour day weekend, many families head to the beach to drink beer/pop and eat chips while boating. My family did something very different, we hiked the Spearhead Traverse. Crossing loose rock, glaciers, ridges, meadows and forests it would take longer than in the Winter. It was my fourth time doing the trip from Blackcomb to Whistler mountain, but my first time in the Summer. I was very excited to see it in a different light. Starting on Thursday evening, we ascended the lifts on Blackcomb mountain. Reaching the top of Solar chair at 5pm, we didn’t know how far … Read more

Spearhead Traverse with Family

On April 21-23, I traversed the Spearhead again. At the beginning of April I did it in one day with my dad and I was very excited to return. This time our team was my mom, my dad, my sister(Anna) and I. We had a late start and were at the top of the Blackcomb glacier at 11:45. We climbed the first hill with a crowd, there were 15+ people hiking up to the east col of Blackcomb. On the col my mum and my sister marvelled at the view of the mountains.

I pointed out to Anna where we … Read more

Spearhead Traverse In One Day

On April 3 2017, my dad and I set out to do an amazing traverse, the Spearhead Traverse. This traverse can be done in 2 directions, either from Blackcomb mountain to Whistler mountain or the reverse. We went from Blackcomb to Whistler because it can be cut short if you are running out of time or daylight. If you take the Singing Pass Trail, you skip two climbs. This is a hiking trail in the Summer, but is widely used in the Winter by backcountry skiers. We were at the base of the first climb (Blackcomb east col) at 7:50… Read more