In early Spring of 2019, my dad and I did an incredible ski traverse in Garibaldi Park. Starting on the peak of Mt. Currie and skiing out Garibaldi lake, the trip took us five days. We travelled 90 kilometres and climbed 6,900 meters. Our days were long, ranging from 10 to 16 hours and we encountered all types of weather. One day we were dripping with sweat and sun burnt, and the next we were in blizzard conditions. This trip pushed me in ways I had been missing in day trips and remembered from Logan. Being able to connect so … Read more
North Joffre to Cassiope to Spetch
When deciding where to go touring last week, my dad and I choose a spot that my dad knew well from heli-ski guiding, but had never toured to. This way he was comfortable in the terrain, but it was also like a new experience for him too. We were planning to go to the top of Cassiope as he had never self propelled himself there, and I like getting to summits. Having heard that Raf and Blythe would be going out the same day, we joined forces with them. At home, my dad discussed that we could come out via … Read more
Spearhead Traverse In a Day 2019
Generally, I like to do new things. I like to go new places. So when deciding where to go ski touring I usually focus on a new peak or run that I have never done. But the one place that is always a front runner for a day out is the Spearhead Traverse. Last year I wasn’t able to do it on skis, so this season I was thinking about it a lot. Waiting for good conditions and timing, we decided to do it on the first day of daylight savings, March 10. We were planning to leave as early … Read more
Sharing Ski Touring
This winter I have been training with the Pemberton Canoe Club because I paddle dragon boat in the spring, like being pushed in the gym and love the current coach, Marie. Yesterday, I got to take her into the backcountry and show her my main sport. Being relatively new to BC (from Québec) she enjoys skiing and wanted to try ski touring as she has heard about a lot of people in the Sea to Sky Corridor doing it. After learning about my passion and that I go ski touring regularly, she asked if we could take her out one … Read more
First Time Ice Climbing
This week I got to try my hand(s) at a new winter sport, ice climbing. It was really cool to do something different and discover another way in which people explore the mountains in the colder months. As a plus I enjoyed it. Being a very in the moment sport it is neat to change between sports like ski touring and ice climbing where they require very opposite states of mind. Definitely no day dreaming when you are trying to hold on to two tools with all of your might because you are so pumped. I certainly tired myself out. … Read more