Today we did a carry to Camp 3, 4850 meters. Tonight we will sleep at camp 2 and move to Camp 3 tomorrow. Yesterday we rested, the weather is looking good.
May 13, 2017
Today we did a carry to King Col(camp 2, 4100m). Definitely the hardest day yet with Heartbreak Hill and The Never Ending Story. Sleeping at C1 tonight
May 11, 2017
Today we did a carry to Camp 1. It was sunny and hot but may snow a little tonight. Tomorrow we are planning to move to Camp 1 at 3400 meters
May 8, 2017
Today I am driving to the airfield that will fly me to the literal base of my dream. I am attempting to become the youngest person to summit Mt. Logan, the tallest mountain in Canada. I would never have come this far without the people who have supported me. I am so thankful for everyone who has encouraged me. A big thanks to MEC, Nomad Nutrition, Peak Performance, Jia Condon and Mountain Berry Landscaping. For daily updates(ideally), follow me on twitter at naomiprohaska #youngestoncanadastop #eatlikenomad #mec #peakperformance