On August 30 my family left our house at noon to go on our second annual Spearhead Traverse on Labour Day Weekend. We were all excited because we hadn’t spent much time hiking in the summer. On the way to Whistler I bought some shoe laces and loads of snacks. Instead of buying individually packaged energy bars, I got a package of peanut butter cookies, which I ended up loving. After some delays in the parking lot about park restrictions due to parking and camping as well as lift tickets, we all made it to the Peak-2-Peak and we were
… Read moreOwl to Tenquille Hiking Traverse
This past year I have not been on many trips in the mountains. So this Spring when I heard about a teen hiking trip in the summer I was excited, I haven’t been on many trips with teenagers. The hiking trip would be led by a local hiking and ski guide who grew up in Pemberton, Sam McKoy. It would take place from July 16 to 22 and we would be doing the Owl to Tenquille Traverse. I was super happy about where we would be going. We would be hiking through mountains I could see from my house and … Read more
Mt. Joffre
With only one day of school behind me, I missed the next one to climb. After doing the Spearhead the previous weekend, I was not looking forward to the coming semester. My dad was hoping to get out and do a couple of big training days before an upcoming work trip. I jumped on the opportunity to mountaineer. One of the mountains that was not climbed from my Logan training list was Joffre Peak. I had summited Matier (the next mountain over) and loved going to/near Joffre park. We would ascend via Cerise Creek, as we had been on the … Read more
Spearhead Traverse Summer 2017
On Labour day weekend, many families head to the beach to drink beer/pop and eat chips while boating. My family did something very different, we hiked the Spearhead Traverse. Crossing loose rock, glaciers, ridges, meadows and forests it would take longer than in the Winter. It was my fourth time doing the trip from Blackcomb to Whistler mountain, but my first time in the Summer. I was very excited to see it in a different light. Starting on Thursday evening, we ascended the lifts on Blackcomb mountain. Reaching the top of Solar chair at 5pm, we didn’t know how far … Read more